S2 has successfully designed and deployed Virtualisation projects powered by VMWare and Microsoft Hyper V.

Server performance and technology has advanced massively over the last few years.

What hasn’t is the need and quite often good design practise to operate dedicated servers for specific tasks, ie Email.

Multi way processors, high speed memory and powerful 64 bit engineered hardware often leave companies operating server hardware sub 10% of their capabilities, a wasteful resource especially when multiplied by the number of servers required to serve a typical Small, Medium Enterprise.

To address this issue faced by many organisations, software and hardware vendors have developed server virtualisation technologies allowing one physical server hardware to host multiple virtual, independent instances of server installations.

Clear benefits include higher returns on investment consuming higher hardware capabilities yet reducing the number of physical devices required in the server room in turn reducing power consumption, the need for additional cooling let alone capital investment and on-going purchase for maintenance and replacement.

A Hypervisor exists that sits between the server hardware and the operating system allowing shared access to the processors and controlled access to memory resources. The server installations no longer hardware dependant allowing portability to other hardware, an ideal solution to incorporate within the back up for offline testing, hardware maintenance and disaster recovery.

S2 Technologies have expertise in Microsoft Hyper V and VMWare Virtualisation technologies.

For more information call us: Support: 03309125404 / Sales: 03309125399 or email